Theoren Fleury

Interview by Blaine Schlechter for The Fun Golfer Website

You Play a lot of golf now, but when and how did you get started in the sport?

I started playing when I was 9 years old. We had a little 9 hole grass green golf course in my home town and that’s where I spent the majority of my summer, playing probably 36 or 45 holes a day.

You do a lot of touring now with your speaking engagements and your band, do you take your clubs with you when you’re out and about?

I don’t, but I usually bring my shoes and a golf outfit. Obviously not so much in the winter time, but in the summer I’ll make sure that I have some golf paraphernalia with me just in case.

Hockey players can be a bit superstitious, do you have any golf superstitions; do you mark your golf ball the same way or have a special ball marker that you use?

Yes I do, I have a stamp of an eagle that I stamp my ball with and I have a ball marker that has the Olympic rings on it, the year we won the Stanley Cup and the year we won the Olympic Gold Medal.

One is a bit of a team sport and one is an individual sport, but do you find any similarities between playing hockey and golf?

I think the swing is similar to shooting, with the weight transfer. But, it’s just you and the golf course, there’s nobody you can be mad at except yourself. For me, the reason why I am so head over heels in love with golf is because it’s like meditation for me. Because I struggle with anxiety and depression, it’s a great place and it is almost like mediation for me. The only thing I have to concentrate on is hitting the ball in the middle of the golf face in every shot. Some days, that’s going to happen on a more consistent basis than others. I love the fact that it’s a game that you can always continue to improve (on) and, depending on how much work you want to put into it – if you put in the work you’ll get the results. Because I’m used to going to hockey practice every single day, I’m used to going to the driving range and practicing. I love to practice; I love to try new grips, new swings and all these things until I find that magic swing that allows me to play the game at a high level. I play at, I think, one of the best golf courses in (Calgary), we’re down in the valley on the river. There’s no car noise , there’s no nothing…just absolutely perfect.

You kind of answered this question already, but finish this sentence for me – One thing I especially love about golf is…?

…that I will never find perfection.

Now the flipside – One thing I hate about golf is…

…there’s nothing I hate about golf.

Good answer. You’ve played hockey with some of the greatest in the world – Gretzky, Lemieux, Yzerman – who’s the best golfer you’ve played a round with?

There is a kid, his name is Mitch Fox. I met him a couple of years ago down at Cottonwood (Golf Course) and he’s an aboriginal kid and wow, can this guy play. I’ve seen him shoot 63…64 pretty much every time I play with him, and he can’t make it on the tour, which just boggles and blows my mind. A guy that good, that can shoot that number consistently that can’t make it. It just goes to show you how good those guys are on tour. I’ve been to a few tour events, and I don’t even go on the course, I just sit on the range all day and watch those guys hit balls. They hit it so pure and so good, it’s ridiculous.

You played hockey in Ireland for a year, did you get a chance to do any golfing there, or Scotland at all?

You know what…it rained every single day I was there for eight months (laughs). That kind of golf is not really my thing. I’m not a links guy…I’m not a fan of links; I’m not a fan of wind; I’m not a fan of rain coming down sideways, I’m not into that. I walked St Andrews when I was there and I got my picture taken on the bridge, but other than that, (I thought) this is not a place I would enjoy playing actually.

This question gets asked a lot, but it’s a fun question – what three people, anyone you want, would form your dream foursome?

Tiger Woods, my Dad and Jack Nicklaus.

If you can get those four together…I'll caddie for you!!